

もっと大きな視野で見てみようよ このせまい生活をさあ。

息切れして必死んなって、生きてるなんてつまんないよ! そんなのさあ

もうサイアク! まわりが 何と言おうと まちがっても助けてなんかくんないんだから聞いちゃダメさ。 男も女もいっしょ。今や“性欲の鬼”がうようよしてる世の中だ、純情がバカにされるだけってくらい。 気づいてないやつはずっとバカを見続けるだろうね、この先。  あ~あ、 あの娘なるべく早くヤらしてくないかなぁ… それによって俺の今後の プランがかわってくるんだけどなぁ。…っつってもまァ、ひとりだけどね 今は。





好きなこと書きたいって思っていても 結局 面倒臭がりが邪魔してて何も


それもそのハズ 昔一度、いや何度もそれで悩んでたよなぁ。 そーかぁ...。

それに書き方、これはま、今は今なりに“適当に きれ味”よく書けてると思うけど、

いつまた 持ち前のマヒした時の極端さがでるかわからない。 それは用心、用心。









世の中の汚なさを両手に持って眺めさせ、 やはりそのまま決断まで持っていかせた。


じっとしばらく考え、ふとカラに戻れた時、とたんに未熟になり首を横にふった。 すると鬼神とかわった目の前の尼女が命を武器に俺にとびかかってきた。とり残された俺の心はそのまま、俺は地にふせ、しばらくして死んだ。たった残されたその正直だけが、俺を天国へ運びながら。


愛の流れ方がかわった。新しさを秘めたその不愉快は、ひとりのやさしさだけに怯え続け、誰もいない暗闇へと おちついた。





運命を負えながら才能を欲しがる、ないものねだりだけにはかないものだ。 どうなれば満足というものに出逢えるのか わかったものじゃない。 人の顔を気にしながらの玉石採掘、いつまで続くのか。あてのない風はひっきりなしに吹き荒れる。しつこい皮肉は今日も濁流を流し続けているようだ。





が立つ、生きるためか、 うまく死ぬためか。 生き方を邪魔

されたくない はがゆさがある。


今正直に思う。 これからまた仲間が つまらない妄想と欲で溺れてゆくのに、その中でうまく生きようなんて、もう思わない。このままいけば、必ず誰かよく知ってる奴を殺すことになる。もうほとんど他人(ひと)にはわからないことだ。 いつもの“面倒臭さ”が上手いところで出たものだ。 もう自分の名前を誰かに言いたくもない。 全部、この世のくだらない汚なさといっしょに捨ててしまいたい。 死のうと思えばこの世の中の悪がもったいなく思える。 でもシラフで生きる以上、その生き方をしてしまう。


この世に生きる特有のつまらない男はもうたくさんだ。自分だけが知る パラダイスへ、 早く行ってしまいたい。


神様がつくる前に、俺は幸福(しあわせ)を自分の手で創ったんだ。だから、汚れずに済んだ。 まがったとらえ方だが。



計画もなにもなかった人生。時間を気にすることをやめた分、 生きることがラクだった。
























死んだ後に俺の姿を見られれば笑い者に堕ちつくだろうに。どこまでいってもそのうやむやは晴れることはない、と、いつか自分に言われた。ああ窮屈だ。疲れてしまう。人の間というのは何故にバカらしさを覚えてしまうのか。すべてわかった気持ちになる俺はやっぱり臆病者か。…負けてしまうのか。神様がくれた人生、なのに、罪をくり返す俺は どんなに笑っても満足はない。罪人の一連だ。




みんなきえてしまえ、僕の満足が崩れてしまうようにみんなきえてしまえ。何もない一日が、ひと言 言う時間ほど短く過ぎてゆく。むなしさ抱えてこの世の中 生きてはゆけない。まして若さ、というのは そんな醜態は鼻につく。見苦しい面影は、きえることなく満足にだってかえられない。縦に並んだ夢ドミノを、たったひと指でひっくり返してしまうこと、はかなさ、とてつもなくバカらしい。 一度はすてた臆病顔なのに、また明かりもつけずに 沈んでしまう。 人の世を生きる故の はがゆさだ。





どこかに置き忘れてきた ひ弱さが、いっぺんにしてのしかかる。苦しさだ。


見えなくなる。 僕がどうすればいい、自分で精いっぱいの臆人がまた、病の

なかから ひと言ふた言 うわついた言葉を話し始める。今日の君を覆えないままに、









ずっと響いてる。 いろんな思いといっしょに


か 君は歩いてゆく。 山からは晩秋の冷たい



あの娘を思いながら 秋の山を見る。



『しかたないんだ. 俺をうらまんでくれ。







『ところで あなたはどこから来ましたか?





 そうでしたか。 まさかあなたがそちら側の


 私も意志で こんなことしてるのではない、 許してくれ』





何も考えられないというのは無意味なこと なのかい? ねえ! そこの誰か! 今君は、どんなこと 考えてる? 教えたくなくても 教えてほしい! どんなこと 思ってるの? あ、皆今TV見て笑ってるけど 君も面白い? 何も考えないというのは こんな時 どういう思惑で見られるの? 僕は以前まで無意味じゃないと思ってたけど、今になって、つまらない偏見は無意味だ と 思い始めそうなんだ。 いくら首ふっても その確信になるいやらしさはきえない。 まったく くやしさだけが残るこの一日よ。表通り手をふって歩いてみな。一発で カルチャー・ショックだぜ! 意味のないくり返しよ。(__)


チ○ポ ブッタ切る精神ね! わかった◆π


怒りまくった人の部屋を出て、階下のギャンブラーへ。そこには、いろんなフラレ人が集結していた。テーブルクロスをひっくり返した輩は 皆 表行き。どこかへ消えろだ、飛んでけだので大にぎわい。グラスについだ64年ものの格おちのワインを飲みほし、また二度目のかけごとに溺れてやった。持ち金 50セントのプア・ライフマネイ。“ムダにはできんぜ.” 横の人がひやかし、ルーレットをまわした。

人がいいマスターがおどり調子にしわがれた声で 俺にもう一杯のウォッカ、まずは おめでとうの祝杯さ、と20セントを俺の手にほうり投げた。


表通りへ出た俺の目の前に、やせた遊女があらわれ、最後のゲームをつきつけた。首を横にふった俺は そそくさとその場を立ち去る、“イカレポンチ”の一声を聞いて また安い一日が始まるのさ。今度は、部屋に帰っても怒られないようにしなきゃ。




「ボー―ン! ボー―ン!」と二度鳴る銅鑼のような呼び鈴が、ルーレットの上で踊っている。指揮するのはきまって黒髪のレザーフォックス。横並びにならんだベアーズの黒ひげが気になりはするけれども、今はそんなこと言ってられない…。すぐにでも血相変えて俺の懐へと飛び込んできそうな勢いなのだ。











今、自分が何をやってるのか わからずにいたいものだね

  自分をわかっていながら 追い込んでみるのも いいものだ。

Are your deliverance is high quality when we demarcate our clearance deposit?

Belisha beacon, in 1907, in England, suggested that we should walk across the crossing with obeying the traffic rules and showed about the rules for us. We are obeying the rules in the present day.


We should not demarcate our own limit in straying on the field or in trying to do our best.


A dementia will be the main hindrance (the obstacle) in the future.


The man who is like a demigod always brings the works to our fields with using the demijohn.


That demoiselle always fascinates me with her glamorous body.


Her deltaic position is always fascinating me in investigating her minds.


Delta Force should obey the rules of the demigod’s mind and should assault their enemy with the strong belief. And it will be the rising sun like raising our pluck!


Won’t you drink a demisec?


Accurately read a demisemiquaver!


My favorite is that a demitasse always is coming after meals.


Our demiurge always is being in our mind in this world.


My political ideal is democracy. Let every man be respected as an individual and no man idolized.


I always have the purpose of investigation in hopes of becoming a special person.


They came across the Pacific in hopes of becoming rich.


I depended on it that they will be on my side.


I depended on the situation that they are on my side.


That situation of war fields is despairing for all intents and purposes.


We intently were making the artificial works.


That medical remedy, inter alia, was important in treating those patients.


She didn’t equip an intrauterine device for her womb then.


The brave man, Sherlock Holmes, in 1857, in Israel, found the truth of consortium which made our consciousness intricate, and was intrigued by the forces of being the intifada.


Your ambition of becoming the sheriff is itsy-bitsy very much.


Sheila frequently was found in Russia and adequately was criticized as a beautiful woman. And, in present day, we usually are taking the language, but we should reflect on that background of those current of thoughts.


She is so cussed in communicating with us.


Her curvaceous legs are so charming for me.


The curvilinear geography was so important for proving the rule of the terrestrial magnetism.


She curtsied for us then.


The custom-developing is published for only me.


In Paris, in 1972, the pageant that the ethereal Parisian was picked up from others (beautiful, wonderful, fascinating, charming, ethnic, exotic, et cetera) was held by Association of Fundamental Company.


Her buttock was coming out of the panty then, so I said to her, “Fasten up a button for hiding your buttock.”


Her bottom is too heavy to raise it.


That project was about pressing the button then.


The outline of her is buxom and that appearance (that expression) charmed me into metamorphosing my essence.

What is your favorite department of the university? My favorite subject of study is the class of art

She had us at her beck and call.


I like to pour a béchamel over a salad at your party, and want to get your real intention in treating me.


He seems to be beautific when reading.


Her chubby thigh always beautifies me as well as a sexy mutant.


Her huge nipples evermore beatify me as well as your phlegmatic deeds.


Heaven’s beatitude always holds us.


Do you know that we could receive our beatification from her.


The beatnik was treated as a barbarian in 1970s in Japan.


You should pay attention to ‘beau geste’ always.


Your remarks are always beaucoup.


Beaufort scale, in 1794, was suggested that we should order our social-state in the grade of from 1 to 13 by Sir Francis Beaufort who existed in England.


English word “beaut” usually is used as the meaning of “a great person” in Russia and New Zealand now.


I want to drink the Beaujolais at that party.


I was bedabbled water by a car on that street in this morning.


She seems to have a bee in her bonnet when I was following her.

The nipple of your sweet ideals.

Research findings can be brought to bear on issues of educational importance.


I will beat you to it.


I missed a beat when I saw the scene of her masturbating.


I will beat you to it in treating our common sense.


He used to hesitate against the anger of her in those days.

Several meanings are sorted into many kinds in your mind.

That girl of Jew received the rite, which is called as “basmitzvah” in the society of Jew, and she could sublimate herself to the independent woman.


A hound is sorted into the several kinds, for example, “a basset” is sorted into the French hound, and “a basenji” is sorted into the African hound, which is recognized as a small hound.


She is as blind as a bat, but she could follow his traces with her ability to distinguish his identity from the miscellaneous things.


I disarrayed my thoughts because I disbelieve in transmigration in this world.


I tried to disseminate this information to this world.


I disbursed the fee of the camping lodge.


I went for a bathe in the sea of Suma.


“What is his batting average? ” “Maybe 1 percent…”


Just now, I have disbursed the battels of Oxford University.


The English word “battalion” means that the legion who has the same purpose. Therefore, it’s not concerning with the movie “Battalion” at all.


Baudelaire (1821-1867), until 1850, suggested that we must obey our individuality and must show people our true belief, and published many prose, which is able to change our minds into the metamorphosed thing. He was loved by most people who was living in the contemporary era, and was loved by Osamu Dazai more than all people.


That girl who is a baton twirler has a glamorous build, which shows me a big bust, a big nipple, a big labia, a big ass, and a chubby thigh, exists for me as like the Valkyrie. These things continue to fascinate me evermore. The girl is the best lover for me, and, to crown it all, is the cutest woman. I hope that she cruises around my neighborhood for seeking for sex friends. After all, she is my cutie.

Please buy an attar for me.

That law attainted my civilization then.


Japanese temple “Kinkakuji” is aureate and is painted with the false gold by the craftsmen who were living in those days.


Children were crying toward me, “Baksheesh! baksheesh!,” when I had visited to India. I thought that those children were too indelicate to give them my money when I saw the scenery at the first time, but it’s different. I was to improve my thoughts because I realized that they were honest in communicating with others.


I had cut him down to size when he questioned to me about the matters of graduating from that university.


The emperor, St. Souther, had won the victory when he fought with the successor of another faction in the first time because St. Souther’s body has the condition of the situs inversus. But in the next time, St. Souther was defeated by the successor because he realized that his body wasn’t suitable to fight with the opposition. St. Souther might have seen the other self in the successor’s mind.


I could rear a basenji under the background that I had alleged that I want to rear it by any means, and then, my parents admitted to rear a basenji for me.


This computer translated the word “rear” into “kick” only.


The construction of London Bridge is based on the structure as the bascule bridge.


Please tell me the cookery of your stew. I will tell you my private secret if you do so.


John Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933), in 1900, published the book, which said “We can know how to masturbate in all the situations.” So he was known well by the people who live in the whole world.


Which of the girls are you talking about?


Which of these pens is yours?


It’s either Eric or Bill, but I don’t know which.


This graffiti is either Eric or Bill, but I don’t know which.


She has written a book the name of which I have forgotten.


Her latest novel, which won several awards, was about her family.


Don’t bash your cock into my private parts!


Koichi’s statement was baseless thing in all the aspects. Therefore, his statements or opinions will be regarded as the worthless waste and will be abandoned as the useless mentions by all people.


I had been basking in the sun in the terrace of my house when the man was killed by the unknown person.


We used to make use of the barrique for ripening wines.


The barrel house, in New Orleans, had been known well by drunkards. But in now, no one will go there. I want to recommend to accommodate the counterculture into your mind when you attain to the condition which can make you be another person, and I guess that you will find the truth in straying on the field that is composed by the clearance mobilization. Maybe you might have been singing a torch song in the crossing of past.