That bleshok is waiting for you while hiding himself hbehind the shadow.

The stone had fallen itself into the case before I could blink then.


That which we need most is forceful leadership.


The population of Japan is larger than that of France.


I was waiting for you with that I called him then.


What has happened to the pictures that were on the wall?


It is you that are to blame.


While I was masturbating in my room, she came to here.


Didn't you have your whimsy there then?


He whipped sheep in his ranch (stock farm).


He was within a whisker of masturbating.


The horse whickered in his ranch then.


The painting, for which he paid eighty thousand dollars, is Monet.


Which housing did you want to live, Harvard or Yale?


The question is whether man can be trusted.


Please set the scene with your thoughts which are in the remembrance.


You must throw away your schlock which is in your mind into the case of paradox.


Throw your poor mind away from here.