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I wished that my mercery will be mercerized by your craft.


Assisi where it’s centric of Italy is the place where St. Francis was born.


St. Augustine had the individual aureole (halo) behind his head when I saw him at his palace.


He was superior in the auricular function.


The volcano is dangerous and is auriferous.


She received his auscultation then.


There are several islands between Australia and New Zealand, and we called them as “Australasia.”


That congress, in 1707, was held under the auspices of American association.


I have it on good authority that the thing is worthless for us.


We recognize that Australopithecus is our oldest ancestor.


“Hitler was living in the present day,” this comment is the news from an authoritative source.


Hitler was erectile dysfunction and was the erotomania.


The avatar is to Indian myth what my correction is to your thoughts.


He hit a home run with two away in the second half of the 5th.


That ugly man wanted to lick her axillary dirt then.


He hit a home run in the situation of that two out and the bottom of fifth (five times).


You must prove that we are living in the world with the axiom.


We ate axolotls with baking of medium.


Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) is the composer who lived in Germany. And he, in 1700, made up his work of art, “Contribution of individuality toward God,” and his renown was sublimated by the people because his fame was so well-known by the people’s mind.


Adam and John hit back-to-back home runs.


We may need to have the way of bancassurance in treating our fortune in the future.


She and he are bandy legged, and we ridiculed their conditions when we saw their way of walking.


Japanese soldiers who lived in the era that the World War Ⅱ broke out were banzai in attacking (assaulting) the enemies.


I deflowered her, and I will deflower another girl.